Friday, October 9, 2009

Written Classwork & Homework ASSIGNMENTS

Tuesday 10/13 - Editing & Revising the "Magazine Proposal Letter"

Wednesday 10/14 - ACUITY Custom Test (critical thinking skills)

Thursday 10/15 - Feature Article:review construction of the article, research/evaluate primary & secondary sources of information, interviewing techniques

Friday 10/16 - Feature Article: angles, citing information using quotations from interviews and text sources

Friday 10/9 - IR, finish 1st draft of proposal letter (due Tues), last day to accept edited Annotated Bibliographies (due Tues), 2 assignments in mailbox on Achieve3000 (due Fri 10/16), choose a feature article topic & bring in 3 or more materials from Internet, magazine, and/or book sources to research your topic (due Wed)

Tuesday 10/13 - IR, 1st draft & FINAL COPY of the Magazine Proposal letter is due tomorrow (due Wed), and bring in 3 or more materials to use to research your feature article topic (any student without materials will be given their topic & materials tomorrow)

Wednesday 10/14 - IR, 2 Achieve3000 assignments due Fri

Thursday 10/15 - IR, 2 Achieve3000 assignments due Fri

Friday 10/16 - 2 assignments from Achieve3000 (due next Fri), interview someone for your feature article or bring in a "fictional" interview (due Tues) to insert into your feature article

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